Probability (Quiz) Level - 1

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Question 1: The words ‘Probably’, 'doubt', 'most probably’, 'may’, 'chances' etc. used in the statements involve an element of uncertainty. Because that statement may be right or wrong depending on the result of that event. The uncertainty of 'probably' etc. can be measured by means of

Question 2: An activity which ends in some well defined outcomes (results) is called an e.g. drawing a ball from a bag, tossing a coin, throwing a dice, etc.

Question 3: The activity performed once which results in one or several outcomes is called a

Question 4: Tossing a coin once is a trial. But if we toss the coin 20 times, then there are trials in which we shall get either Head or Tail.

Question 5: An experiment is called in which all the possible outcomes (results) are known in advance but exactness of result can not be predicted e.g. by tossing the coin, we know, we will get either Head or Tail, but we can not say which one will come on top by a throw.

Question 6: An outcome of a random experiment is called an event.

Question 7: In the random experiment of tossing a coin for getting a possible outcome of Head or Tail.
(i) Getting Head (H) on upper side (face) of the coin
(ii) Getting Tail (T) on upper side (face) of the coin
are two events.

Question 8: If an event associated to a random experiment is obtained by combining two or more elementary events associated to the random experiment; That event is called a event. For example; getting an even number in a single throw of dice.

Question 9: Using distance formula conclude that given points (1, 3), B(3, 7) and C(5, 11)are collinear or non-collinear.

Question 10: The set of all possible outcomes in an experiment is called

Question 11: The results of a random experiment are said to be if the different outcomes have the same (or equal) chance of occurrence. i.e. there is no reason to expect one outcome in preference to the other.

Question 12 : Corresponding to every event E associated with a random experiment we define an event ‘not E’ which will occur only when event E does not occur. It is denoted by Ec.
Ec is called of event E.

Question 13: The of an event 'E' is:
Number of outcomes favourable to event E divided by the Number of possible outcomes of the experiment.

Question 14: P ( E ) + P ( Ec ) =

Question 15: The probability for an event which cannot occur is:


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